Precision - 1
Oni Forever | Oni Master

That a Hit - The gunshot nearly missed both of Konoko's legs by an inch and hit the other guy. Note that Konoko also is hitting that guy too with a devil kick. By: Oni Master.

Spin Kick Dodge - Under a microscope (not really), Konoko acutally touches the lazer beam. However, this picture earns its way since it dodges the other mercury bow hits. The one through the foot is not really a hit. By: Adam D.

Devil Kick Dodge - This is a complete dodge. It is very nice, and the lazer beam misses Konoko's head barely like everything else. By: Adam D.

Devil Kick Dodge 2 - One more picture, slightly different from the first and also very nice. By: Adam D.

Oni Master - Oni Forever Tournament
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