Directory: Game Play >> Moves >> Throws >> Back Breaker.
Behind opponent go forward (w) and kick (c).
Backbraker is the best move of the game. It kills the weaker trouble makers instantly and
causes the stronger ones a big pain in the back. It Konoko's strongest move. It is not very
easy to setup, however, I do it whenever I get a chance. This are the setups:
- Striker goes to alarm console to activate the alarm. You break his back while he is doing it.
- Striker is looking in one direction. If possible, creep behind him so he does not see you. Then,
do the surprise.
- If a friend is fighting with you, let the enemy fight with him. Get behind your enemy and break his back.
This is done in two steps. Step 1: Push his lower body down and get your leg on it.
Step 2: Put your leg down and push his upper body up with your hands.