Directory: Technical >> Script Lib >> Powerups.
Items for youself:
There are five types of powerups. I am not going to mention LSI as a powerup even though
it is called one.
GET HYPO: give_powerup hypo
GET GREEN_AMMO: give_powerup cell
GET RED_AMMO: give_powerup ammo
GET FORCE_SHIELD: give_powerup shield
GET PHASE CLOAK: give_powerup invis
Powerups to Others:
To give a powerup to a character, type the following line:
chr_givepowerup [character] [powerup]
Spawning Powerups:
Last but not least, spawn a powerup add the following line:
powerup_spawn [powerup] [location]
Location is a four digit integer. You know what should go in the first brackets:
ammo, cell, hypo... However, here is something very confusing: the second number.
Well, it is the location but is not understandable anymore; only through the
tools Bungie used.